Friday, April 20, 2007

Give War A Chance

As forewarned, here it is: Jeev Jago Studios' first YouTube release! The first of many, we hope.

Give War A Chance was inspired by the President's State of the Union address and the support his troop-surge strategy received from many of his GOP followers. We figured John Lennon must be turning in his grave over the choice of words used by the Bush administration in asking the American public to give his war plan a chance. Generally, our productions will take a more philosophical bend, but sometimes you just have to let your inspiration take you where it will.

Before we sign off, we should give credit where credit is due (or should we say blame where blame is due?):
President Bush was impersonated by former town councilman Captain Kinch and the Give War A Chance refrain was performed by the Blind Uncle Tabernacle Choir. The rest of the blame for this production rests with Jeeves McAtman (AKA Jester Jeeves) and the mysterious Tom Spence.

If instant fame and fortune don't corrupt Tom and Jeeves, they will continue producing (in cooperation with Pop Goes the Gita Productions) their next masterpiece Postmodern Times, now in the beginning stages of editing.

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